Friday, August 8, 2008


this shot is Quay by berkerr @ deviant art

Rest in peace to the eccentric pioneer of Namibian journalism, Hannes Smith
You will be missed....

Its one thing to know you've done something conducive, its another thing to find out that it was just a dream. You spend seven hours of your so called peaceful sleep having lunch with the Easter bunny, saving the world with superman. Then you are off to New York having dessert with spike lee, helping him pen a script for his next joint. Then flying back home in time to meet with you personal trainer, The Incredible Hulk at virgin active!! Trippy stuff.
But what is most fascinating though is the fact that you actually believe this to be true as all these events are taking place in your dreams.
I once had a dream of getting shot. As the revolver blasted on my forehead, I woke up to a headache of great magnitude! So it’s like I start to ask myself whether reality is what I perceive it to be, make believe, or am I just another sucker plugged into the matrix?

Little Brother -Dreams

Jay Z-American Dreamin'

Lupe Fiasco - Day Dreamin'

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