Monday, January 7, 2008

Sad Eyes Never Lie..

sad eyes never lie by FS600 @ deviant

Damn! Its always weird what you'l find out if you go for a random check up at the doctors. Normarlly i'm just an ignorant dude when it comes to health issues and shit like that. i believe in fate alone to take care of things, so i was suprised to learn that my vizion was actually pretty much gettin messed up! my main intention of going to them eye specialist was just to use the hell out of my medical aid, cause those cats be deductin mad cash from my shh. Only to find out that i was partially blind..the specialist told me i might have glaucoma or some shh! what the f**k?
now i gotta rock some specs, lookin like one of them fantastic four dudes..

Puddle of Mudd - Blurry

Snow Patrol - Shut Your Eyes